Sunday 9 March 2014

Thunder Bay mayor Keith Hobbs is trying to bully me once again apparently...

OMG....mayor Keith Hobbs has to a degree threatened LEGAL ACTION in CIVIL COURT over a posting about his personal life by an anonymous source on my web BLOG SITE and he assumes that is my fault....which just goes to prove how out of touch with his life and reality he really is my friends...I have always said....well you have made your bed...its up to you too now lie in it...not my problem or needless to state..I'm NOT going to loose any sleep over his bullying tactics once again...try harder next go round HOBBS... There will be more to follow up with you all on in the near future...on that you can bet...!!!


  1. Some in politics do not like the waters stirred or their world exposed for who and what they really are and for what they have NOT ACCOMPLISHED in mayor HOBBS case...the truth is the learn to deal with it or take me to court...your choice I have a few unforeseen surprises coming down the pipe for you in the months ahead as well....I'll debate you anytime anywhere as I have said publicly in the past...lets put my brain and personality up against would be a pleasure to have the opportunity to show the general public what an "EPIC FAILURE" and "UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT" you have really turned out too be...bring it on...:)

  2. you're totally getting sued...
