Saturday 22 March 2014


IS Peter Stevens (letter, March 20) serious, comparing local taxpayers asking for a plebiscite on the event center to Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin using democracy to gain power? Perhaps he would prefer to live in a country that is not democratic and where people do not have a voice. I, for one, want a say in what happens in my city, and country.

As far as local politicians making promises while campaigning to be elected, if you can’t keep your promises, don’t make them.

Frank Ruberto
Thunder Bay

1 comment:

  1. Very simplistic and 100% wrong, the comment about me in the above. It is very simple Hitler was voted in 1934 with 95% approval, amazing. He was voted in by sheer ignorance of the people. So we are going to allow the general public who know very little about all the various aspects of building a event centre be it finance, development, the future, the spin off industry etc for the event centre, to vote if we need this or not? That is equivalent to family to decide what to do with a loved one with a brain tumor and not the doctor to decide, absolutely absurd. Leave it to the people we hire and elect. By the way I guess the voters have spoken? I said this not Donna Peter Stevens
