Saturday 10 November 2012

I was at our Regional Hospital's Emergency Room this morning,

Okay I must explain this video a bit before you actually view it.

I was at our Regional Hospital's Emergency Room this morning, Saturday, November 10th, 2012checking in on my mom who has been there since Friday afternoon from around 3:10 p.m.

Anyway I went outside to get some fresh air because the air inside the building just seemed very stale for lack of a much better description....and while I was out there I saw this young lady who is employed by one of the hospitals contracted out firms which does maintenance on the outside of the this case dealing with the newly fallen snow that we have here today in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

To make a possible long story a very short one and too allow the video to speak for itself....I saw and heard this machine in the looked like a snow blower of sorts from far wasn't until she had now begun to make her way up the sidewalk which is adjacent to the actual short section of road which brings you to the main entrance of our E.R. Department here in the city, that I then realized it was not a snow blower at all...."NOPE" it was a gas power vacuum machine....actual make or model is called "Billy Goat" as you can see in the photo below. I thought vacuuming the sidewalk in the snow....OMG now I believe I have seen everything....however not quite yet have I....a short time prior to the young lady coming up to the area where I was standing, as were a few other people, there was an older gentleman who works for this same firm and he had driven up to the E.R. entrance in a company vehicle and then he began to sprinkle icy-melt on the concrete surface immediately surrounding the general area of the entrance a preventative measure for people not too be slipping on the now icy surface....and this is what I find comical...just prior to him doing that there was another younger fellow who was there at this same spot doing  the very same thing about 30 minutes before....and now low and behold we have this young lady vacuuming it all up....I could not help to laugh to myself and think that the previous efforts of the other 2 fellows were now all for...."NOT".!!!

So that was my chuckle for the day here in Thunder Bay of course.! :)

Now here is the "VIDEO" I took to capture this event below, just to 
prove that I could not possibly be making this stuff up what so ever,
therefore adding credence to the old adage of "seeing is believing".!

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