Thursday 2 August 2018

Jim Gamble for the Mayor of Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2018

Why have I decided to run in this falls municipal election for the next Mayor of Thunder Bay...I am disturbed, frustrated and greatly disappointed as well perturbed as to what the city has become as a whole in the last 20 year time period as compared to what it was in 1998 and how life was growing up in the 50's, the 60's, the 70's the 80's and in the 90's for example.
My goal is to be the ``VOICE`` of both reason and common sense for the people of our city...The Driving Force ``NO MATTER THE LONG HOURS WHICH I AM EXPECTING TO BE SPENDING ON TURNING THE CITY'S FUTURE AROUND`` to one that will enhance and benefit everyone...``NO MATTER YOUR SOCIAL STATUS``.!
Our NEED is to have SHARED VALUES and GOALS.!
My ability to ``ACHIEVE`` positive net results by working in cooperation with others, by finding the SOLUTIONS to what is drawing such negative press from outside of our city and why are ranking as being a great place to live and work and play is so very terribly low. Please see the locally published news story from at the link provided below as to latest issue of MoneySense magazine's 2018 ranking of Canada's "best places to live."

The city is ranked 233rd on a list of 415 communities across the country.
It's my MISSION to channel my business acumen, my work and life experience, my energy and my focus, my time spent in the promotion and participation in a great many of our city's charitable events throughout the years which I have either sponsored, participated in and finally promoted. as well of that of the elected city council members and our city manager and all department managers to collectively apply to the highest degree possible ``LOGIC and COMMON SENSE`` in each and every decision made by the collective city council and administration with regards to ``YOUR`` city on a daily basis on any and ``ALL`` issues no matter their size or complexity. As an example, as our lives experience should have taught each and everyone of us that a small issue in one person's life or view will seem as not a priority issue...which in fact looking at the city's most controversial or high priority issues would be true...yet it does need to be addressed to the satisfaction of that particular resident regardless.
With that said...I truly believe through personal past experience with communicating with now retired department city managers such as Darrell Matson, Tim Commisso, Dwight Gessie as well our city's current General Manager of Development & Emergency Service Mark Smith that as a true team player which any and all can and will confirm that to be actual fact, I can and will give my all to create the city which we all want at the end of the day. I am wanting to share my C.V. with any and everyone...which includes reference letters from people that I have interacted during my lifetime in the city on many different fronts...I want `YOU THE VOTING PUBLIC TO ACCESS MY INFORMATION`` by simply asking myself for it.! I wish for you to speak with these people who are supporting myself...I want you to get to know the man on a personal level...
I strongly will initiate and promote in addition to the existing programs in place to enhance our city's civic pride through proactive community engagement of citizens and business by using certain businesses as prime examples to use as a measuring stick.
I will tirelessly work for you and fight to create the following:
.A prosperous, vibrant economy...where we can all live in harmony and a city where our children and their children do not have to move away from in order to seek work with a livable wage where they can afford to purchase a home and raise their children and have the funds available to send them onto achieving higher educations.
.A community free from the effects of poverty and drug abuse and all the ills that come with it.
.A safe and walkable city regardless of the time of day as we once all knew and had.
.A city of yesteryears less the high amount of crimes of all kinds and plenty of good paying long term jobs where one can plan to retire from.
.A city where we spend your tax dollars on our "NEEDS not our WANTS" and where we "Do Not" tax the residents to death.
.A city where we can all truly be "Proud to call Home" and that others will want to come and live and play and prosper and raise a family and spend their entire lives here.
Research, develop, implement and evaluate best practices in our existing city wide long-term care facilities and the greater need for such facilities and beds for us (myself) the BABY BOOMERS...(which by the way I have been attempting to do by being in communication back in the days of Dalton McGuinty, Deb Matthews, George Smitherman and Tony Clement in the past prior to my attempting to address the issue of the Baby Boomers future needs in the city.
In summary, I see it that businesses provide a service or a product that is missing in a local area or region and when that product or service is offered and there is demand - then this bring up the quality of life for people around that area and keeps them there vs. travelling to another area. And Yes, business must be held accountable to the city in order for the business to not leave the taxpayers "holding the bag" which a strong council will implement. If the city ran from more of a business mindset and respected its citizens tax dollars, meaning the city would make sure all contracts and services were provided on a timely basis with "REAL" quality controls - then the city would not have to be re-fixing everything as they do so often.  Businesses generally do things to for the long term to save money. The city should also make responsible investment in infrastructure and services for the long term so that in the end all the citizens of the city will save on taxes, with a more competitive tax base - the city has a chance to grow and attract new outside businesses and this will allow everyone to grow. 
If you have any questions or would like to talk with me directly I will be more than happy to meet with you. I can be reached on my cell phone anytime at (807) 707-0547 or via email at:

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