Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2014
Mayor Keith Hobbs
500 Donald St. E.
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5V3
Bus: (807) 625-3600
Fax: (807) 623-1164
From: Jim Gamble
Subject: The "NO TRESPASS" order that you had Lief Anderson issued against myself dating back to December of 2012.
FYI...I have requested of Lief Anderson to have this "NO TRESPASS" order rescinded-cancelled. The latest date of my last request is from 2 weeks ago.
If you and the city of Thunder Bay choose not too cancel this order I will have no choice other than to go both to our local media with this situation and in turn then file a civil law suit naming both yourself, Lief Anderson and the city of Thunder Bay as defendants.
In closing, one would expect not only a reason given for such a NO TRESPASS order....which I have never been provided with, nor should such a ban from city owned property be allowed to last well over a year in time. Please note that I use the No Trespass orders that were or have been taken out against Henry Wojack in 2013 and in 2014.
Jim Gamble
Thunder Bay, Ontario

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