Thunder Bay Ontario.....The city may or may not be the murder capital of Canada for 2012.

trend....once again this is a clear indication of another complete and
utter failure by our mayor Hobbs who campaigned to take a bite out of
crime here in the city....a question or thought to his highness Mayor
Hobbs....seeing that you could not reduce crime when you were actually a is it that you could have possibly campaigned that you were
going to make a difference when it comes down to crime in the
city....with you at the helm of our city Mr. Mayor things have only
gotten worse all the way around....which again verifies my thoughts as
they were expressed to your buddy James Murray of
fame....I clearly debated many times with him that you were going to be
this cities worse ever here is a BIG THANK you HOBBS....for
all of your assistance and buffoonery in proving me correct from the get
go....personally I wonder what type of CRITIC your pal James Murray
would be writing about your overall performance
to date....myself I classify it as this..."AN EPIC FAILURE"....what a
legacy you are going to leave behind....definitely one that your
HEY HOBBS how many EVENTS have you now attended during
your time as mayor.???? are you well over the 3,500 number mark.???
well if you would spend less time taking all these photo-ops and
actually doing the real job as the mayor of any city....that is actually
making positive change for a change of pace....VS. all of your tea
parties attended....time to pull your head out of your BUTT Hobbs....and
take a deep breath of fresh air....because I for one am way more than
tired of all of your B.S. and so is more than half of Thunder Bay....I
would bet that 90% of those who voted for you HOBBS, would right about
now have that voting chance back....therefore leaving you on the
sidelines where you actually belong....:)
Well that is this guys opinion on that continue on below and click on the web link and read the rest of the story.
THUNDER BAY -- The city may or may not be the murder capital of Canada for 2012.
But with six murders documented and two potential victims in critical
condition in hospital, Thunder Bay Police Chief J.P. Levesque said the
increase from four in 2011 is a disturbing trend, one he’d like to see
reversed this year.
click on the link below for the balance of this story...
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