Former M.P.P. Bill Mauro is meddling in the process of the city's "Police Services Board's" decision in their seeking a "New Chief of our police department" which is not his position to do or even question in my opinion, as well the opinion of others, I only would have wished that our local media would have contacted myself of his making front page news in order to draw attention to his running as the future mayor of the city of Thunder Bay in the October 22nd, 2018 Municipal election.
When the system is actually working..."Do Not Mess With It"..."Keep Your Thoughts To Yourself Bill Mauro...Former M.P.P. Bill Mauro is "MEDDLING" in the process-(progress) of the process that has been set in motion "AS IT SHOULD BE".!
It is not his position or any of his "BUSINESS FRANKLY" to do or even question the city of Thunder Bay Police Services Board in their decision putting out the search for a new "Chief of Police" for the city in my opinion as well the position of everyone that I have spoken with beginning with the people over at McDonalds on Arthur street and to whose homes I visited today while out canvassing door to door as well the opinion of others.
I only would have wished that our local media would have attempted to contacted myself of his making front page news with his interjecting himself into the mix where it is he has no place nor does he belong in order so it would appear in order to draw attention to his running for the position of the future mayor of the city of Thunder Bay in the October 22nd, 2018 Municipal election. If anything Mauro is concerned that if the board does hire someone to replace the now retired police chief J.P. Levesque, it could undermine that person’s authority...this a most "Feeble Attempt-Reasoning Possible and @ Best" is's without question that the overall summary-report is going to be an eyeopener for all those who review its final contents and recommendations.".!
This should be considered a "NON ISSUE" by Mauro and everyone else included, vs making a fuss about it and attempting to apply the brakes to a process that will take on average a good
J.P. Levesque is officially retired this month (September, 2018) because he is using up his paid vacation accumulated time that is owing to him. Obviously our acting chief of police will be applying for the position in addition to what becomes of the search from outside of the city.
Mauro, whose brother was a long-time rank-and-file TBPS officer who with his two 2-Faux Pas's, Number 1 being the 911 phone call Sgt. Jim Mauro made pretending to be a very intoxicated aboriginal man and the 2nd one being when he signed-FORGED Keith Hobbs name to a letter which was an official letter from the police union president at the time who was Keith Hobbs supporting his claim while being on paid suspended leave the first time that he should have been eligible for promotions for which he had applied for while under suspension.
In performing the mathematics regarding the 2 suspended with pay incidents with 2 years per incident x 2 which in total cost the city taxpayers close to a "Cool One (1) Million dollars for his antics folks.!!!
Again I must state that this entire matter has nothing at all to do with this years 2018 municipal election and Bill Mauro should simply be able to see it for what it is folks and leave it alone and your nose out of it when it does not pertain to you or the municipal election on October the 22nd, 2018.
"Res Ipsa Loquitur"...In many of an opinion including mine and that of all lot more of the voting public here in Thunder Bay.!!!
In closing, Bill Mauro, Dalton McGuinty, and Minister of Health Deb Matthews should have all been replying-or at the very least acknowledging they received my numerous email messages regarding the entire mismanagement of Government Taxpayer dollars on the hospital build. Bill Mauro never did simply click on the pop-up read request even though all of my email messages were always flagged to ask for a read receipt on all of my email messages to him and his fellow members of the ruling Liberal party of the day.
So at the very least you have discovered that former M.P.P. Bill Mauro does not acknowledge email messages with "Read Acknowledgements" attached to them.!!!
I actually still have the original email correspondence to my many email messages from the past regarding the "BoonDoggle" we call our "Thunder Bay District Regional Health Sciences Centre" contracted price to actually build it in the first place which went 58% over the Liberal Party approved "FINAL" budget of $164 Million dollar budget that was finalized and subsequently approved for the building of our cities new hospital facility, which as per the following "Political Cartoons" clearly outlining the situation over at our regional hospital ever since the facilities doors were open to the general public and the construction of it when the total amount spent to construct what we have today which came in with a final cost of a whopping $296 Million dollars.!!!
58% over the approved and finalized budget.???
In closing,"Never once did you hear then M.P.P.Bill Mauro yelling" from the rooftops about the disaster of a hospital and how much over the final-approved construction contract cost that he and his liberal party approved and then constructed as a "Regional Hospital", history has now proven it to be overpriced, undersized and understaffed with the required specialists and family practitioners which are still being sought out to this very day in time by hospital management.
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