Monday 17 March 2014 it is yet TRUE LIFE ADVENTURE of this afternoon with my 79 year old mother at our E.R. department of our REGIONAL was stacked up to the roof in the waiting room...drunken people in the back half along with our Thunder Bay Police Officers again being tied up took us 2 hours to finally see a doctor...and then he ordered an I.V. for my mothers dehydration and guess the end she never got it...and was discharged and then told by a nurse to go home and hydrate yourself there...and all this took a total of 5 about lousy service...this is understating it I again have filed an official complaint yet again...seeing that we now have the nursing staff over ruling a written order by the attending SPECIAL is that I ask of you all...???

There is now an attending additional body just sitting at the security desk checking your health card and then sending you too the regular walk up desk....this as well makes no sense or improvement to their current operation what so ever...more nonsense is all that it really is...sad too state...!!!

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