Tuesday 6 November 2012

My 2nd reply to Mr. John Hannam's 2nd e-mail message to myself with regards to the faux-pa moment on the evening of Monday, November 5th, 2012 at the city hall council meeting.

My 2nd reply to Mr. John Hannam's 2nd e-mail message to myself with regards to the faux-pa moment on the evening of Monday, November 5th, 2012 at the city hall council meeting.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 9:32 PM
Subject: My 2nd Reply: My deputations quantity of 2 that were scheduled for this evening.....there was a massive mix-up and assumptions made without my being consulted in any way....message.

Date: Tuesday, November 6th, 2012, Time 9:32 p.m.
Good evening John,
Sorry for the unusually late reply to your message, I have been extremely busy today.
Thank you for your message and please note, that I do not feel that it is necessary for myself to once again file any type of documentation what so ever in order to present my deputation as previously submitted on September 25th, 2012 and apparently approved by your office. While I somewhat can appreciate your position, I hope that you can equally appreciate mine regarding this matter. So with that said I ask that my original request of September 25th, 2012 be allowed to stand as a submission/request to come before city council and make the deputation.
After all the confusion which eventually lead to my not being allowed or able to present on November 5th, 2012 is not of my doing.Please lets  be reasonable and apply common sense and logic to this situation. I would also like to note, that in speaking with Ms. R. Evans and Ms. Tina Laroque last evening outside of council chambers, I was at that time assured by both parties, that your office would simply re-schedule myself for another date, in order to fully address this mix-up and advise myself accordingly.
So with that said, please speak with both Ms. R Evans and Ms.T Laroque in order to verify what it is that I have stated and please advise myself of the scheduled date as soon as you have also worked it out in conjunction with mayor Hobbs schedule being free and clear of any prior engagement in order for the mayor to be in attendance at your proposed future date as previously stipulated.
Jim Gamble,
Thunder Bay.
**********End of this my reply message***********
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Reply: My deputations quantity of 2 that were scheduled for this evening.....there was a massive mix-up and assumptions made without my being consulted in any way....message.

Mr. Gamble; if you wish to make another deputation please read my earlier
email and the instruction sheet attached to it that outlines how to request
a deputation.  No deputation will be scheduled for you until you have
fulfilled the requirements detailed therein.


"I believe the world needs more Canada" (Bono)
  John S. Hannam         (Embedded image moved to file: 
  City Clerk, CMO MPA    pic05369.jpg)wpe597.jpg (5107  
  City of Thunder Bay    bytes)                         
  fx. 807-623-5468                                      

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