Wednesday, 29 February 2012
What is happening at city hall these days.???
Does anyone other than myself wonder on a weekly basis what is the lowdown on the private sector development that is supposed to be happening down at our Marina Park.???
Still no firm and or fixed word on who the hotelier is going to be nor is there any information on the condo project as well, I would have thought the condo developer would have already set up a sales office and have a sample unit on display by now.!!!
Well stay tuned....I'll have some information for you all come Tuesday, March 6th, 2012.
ORNGE official says he lied about his MBA more disturbing information about the mis-use of tax payer dollars.
ORNGE official says he lied about his MBA
Rick Potter of ORNGE in front of fixed wing air
Kevin Donovan Staff
- More on The Star's investigation into ORNGE
- ORNGE helicopters unable to enter U.S. airspace
- $25M in ORNGE money unaccounted for
- ORNGE leaves a black mark on Deb Matthews’ ambitious health reforms
- ORNGE will be probed by OPP detectives
- Tougher legislation, but whistleblowers muzzled
- ORNGE finances to be investigated by OPP
- ORNGE loaned ex-CEO Chris Mazza $1.2M
- ORNGE paid lawyers $11 million
- Ontario health ministry was warned of serious problems at ORNGE in 2008
Rick Potter, who initially maintained he had an MBA, admitted to the Star that he lied on a document sent to investors and in his earlier response to the newspaper. Potter said former ORNGE CEO Dr. Chris Mazza put him up to it.
“I provided inaccurate information yesterday,” Potter told the Star on Friday. “To clarify, I was enrolled at Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh, Scotland) in the MBA program in the late 1990’s. My workload has precluded my ability to finish this program. It was suggested to me by Dr. Chris Mazza that it would look better in the prospectus if it was indicated I had completed this program. I agreed to do this,” Potter said in a written statement.
The prospectus Potter is referring to was the ORNGE Issuer Trust, a private bond offering in 2009 that secured $275 million funding that was used to purchase new helicopters and airplanes. A story published Saturday revealed that an analysis by the Star and ORNGE insiders could account for only $250 million of the money raised.
Police are probing numerous financial transactions, while provincial health investigators are looking into patient safety issues.
Potter is chief operating officer of ORNGE Air, the aviation division of the service. His biography on the ORNGE website states that he is a former air traffic controller, bush pilot and one-time dean of the Aviation Centre at Thunder Bay’s Confederation College.
In the 2009 prospectus, the credentials of top ORNGE officials are front and centre. Potter is listed as having an MBA.
During Mazza’s time at ORNGE (2005 to 2011) executives were encouraged to further their education and, as a December Star story revealed, at least $600,000 was spent by the air service for executives to obtain MBAs (master of business administration). At least seven executives were granted the degree, including one who did her studies in Canada and Europe.
Potter was not one of them. According to his statement to the Star, he had started taking courses years before at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, long before ORNGE was created. Heriot-Watt provides the online MBA as part of its “distance learning” program.
Potter told Mazza he had begun the program and Mazza, according to Potter, told him to include his unearned degree on the prospectus. Mazza has been unreachable for comment on this.
Potter is one of the last surviving senior members of Mazza’s executive team (Mazza and others have lost their jobs in the growing scandal). Potter lives in Thunder Bay but is flown weekly to Toronto, put up in a hotel, so that he can work out of the ORNGE head office. ORNGE says he also does some work at the Thunder Bay ORNGE base.
Beginning in early December the Star has tried to interview Potter, but until now he has never responded to our attempts.
The prospectus, prepared by Alf Apps and other lawyers at Fasken Martineau, was registered with the Ontario Securities Commission.
When the Star first asked ORNGE and Potter about his MBA, ORNGE’s new boss Ron McKerlie and others questioned Potter, who said he had the degree.
“Rick Potter took an MBA many years ago at his own expense, long before he became involved with ORNGE,” the Star was told on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Star was checking with the Scottish University, which was unable to find a record of Potter earning an MBA. The Star went back to ORNGE. McKerlie questioned Potter, who admitted to not having the degree, an ORNGE insider said.
ORNGE pilots and paramedics blame Potter for many of the decisions that are now causing the service trouble. Among them, the combination of medical interiors chosen and the type of aircraft selected and paid for with the $275 million bond issue. Ontario taxpayers are paying interest and principal payments back to those investors as part of the deal.
Potter’s name came up at Queen’s Park yesterday.
Progressive Conservative MPP Frank Klees accused Health Minister Deb Matthews of misleading the Legislature by saying ORNGE has new leadership, the Star’s Tanya Talaga reported. Pointing out that Potter and vice-president operations Steve Farquhar are still there, Klees called for a full housecleaning.
“These are the people who made decisions regarding protocol, dispatch changes. These are the individuals who failed to get sign off for equipment, a multi-million purchase of equipment. The reality is we have a serious, continuing problem at ORNGE, we continue to hear about incidents at an ongoing basis where paramedics are not available and pilots are not available,” Klees said.
Pilots and paramedics interviewed by the Star say the new aircraft have serious issues that compromise patient safety (for example, CPR could not be done inflight) and there is evidence of wasted money. For example, with Potter’s input, expensive “ORNGE Pickers” were designed and purchased — hydraulic arms that were supposed to lift patients on stretchers into the plane. The arms are not long enough, the Pickers have not been used and ORNGE will receive a partial credit for the machinery.
Also with Potter’s involvement, ORNGE purchased expensive (ORNGE has not yet released the cost of this system or the pickers) de-icing systems for the new AW139 helicopters, but they have never worked and ORNGE spokesman James MacDonald said there are concerns with the “reliability” of the system — a problem they are trying to solve with the manufacturer.
Perhaps most importantly, Potter has knowledge of the controversial $6.7 million payment from Italian helicopter firm AgustaWestland to one of Mazza’s for-profit companies after ORNGE paid $144 million to AgustaWestland for 12 choppers.
An ORNGE insider said Potter raised concerns internally about the optics of this payment to Mazza’s company. The payment was for “marketing services” and, according to McKerlie, the marketing service binder prepared does not justify the payment.
ALSO FROM THE STAR: $25 million in ORNGE cash is missing
Russian Tunnel of DEATH for!!!
3,150m long Lefortovo tunnel in Russia is the longest in-city tunnel
the entire
world. It is nicknamed 'The Tunnel of Death'.
See for yourself why. There is a river running over the tunnel, and water
leaks through in some areas. When the temperature reaches 0º (as it does
during the Winter in Russia ) the road freezes and becomes as slippery as
hell. The result is the attached video which was taken during a single day
with the tunnel surveillance camera.
Congratulations to the dual-carriage bus driver - imagine the passengers in
the back! What a ride!
The next time you complain about traffic, remember this video.....Russian
See for yourself why. There is a river running over the tunnel, and water
leaks through in some areas. When the temperature reaches 0º (as it does
during the Winter in Russia ) the road freezes and becomes as slippery as
hell. The result is the attached video which was taken during a single day
with the tunnel surveillance camera.
Congratulations to the dual-carriage bus driver - imagine the passengers in
the back! What a ride!
The next time you complain about traffic, remember this video.....Russian
Will you one day look back on today and
why you were so afraid to take
Will you look back one day and not be able to
why you let so many of life's trivial, minor
get you down and hold you back in such a
major way?
Or will you look back on this day and be
forever thankful
for the way you spent it and the value you
created by
making full use of the time
Will you look back fondly and see this day as
a positive turning point
that launched you toward fulfillment of your
most treasured dreams.
Today can eventually become a source of
regret or it can
become a source of continuing
The way it goes depends entirely on how you
live the moments
and hours that are yours right now in this
Time is the raw material for success and
and time is what you have this very
The time you need to achieve the life
your dreams is coming to you even
No matter what has come before or in what
circumstances you find yourself,
there is one thing you can always do. You can
make the very most of whatever you have,
of wherever you find yourself, of the time
that is available for you to use.
Do that today, tomorrow, the next day and the
and you'll have very little to regret and
much for which to be grateful.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
OK Ladies, I have enrolled everyone of you in this class (mandatory attendence required)
Classes for Women
Class 1 Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat. Step by Step, with Slide Presentation Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM.. Class 2 Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, or Bitching About It for 3 Hours? Round Table Discussion Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours. Class 3 Is It Possible To Drive Past a Wal-Mart Without Stopping? Group Debate Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours. Class 4 Fundamental Differences Between a Purse and a Suitcase. Pictures and Explanatory Graphics Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks. Class 5 Curling Irons - Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Bathroom Cabinet? Examples on Video Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning At 7:00 PM Class 6 How to Ask Questions During Commercials and Be Quiet During the Program. Help Line Support and Support Groups Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM Class 7 Can a Bath Be Taken Without 14 Different Kinds of Soaps and Shampoos? Open Forum Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours. Class 8 Health Watch - They Make Medicine for PMS. Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours. Class 9 I Was Wrong and He Was Right! Real Life Testimonials Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined. Class 10 How to Parallel Park In Less Than 20 Minutes Without an Insurance Claim. Driving Simulations 4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours. Class 11 Learning to Live - How to Apply Brakes Without Throwing Passengers Through the Windshield. Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined Class 12 How to Shop by Yourself. Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM. Upon completion of ANY of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors. |
Monday, 27 February 2012
Useless Hunting dog! If you love animals you will really enjoy this.
Useless Hunting dog --love this
People Buying Fresh Meat!! Good Laugh *Prank* (really funny)
People Buying Fresh Meat!!
can't believe this prank.
It's amazing it could be so funny when it's not even in English!!!
(Wonder how many of those customers became vegetarians!)
It's amazing it could be so funny when it's not even in English!!!
(Wonder how many of those customers became vegetarians!)
FORGIVE OUR LOAN of $570,000.00..WTF.!!!
Council to debate proposed Harbour Expressway hotel
By tbnewswatch.comThe southern Ontario-based Thompson Centres Inc. will be looking for an official plan and zoning bylaw amendment for a new hotel near the Superstore in the Intercity area. The company would also like council to pass amendments for future developments that include a retail store and two restaurants.
If Council approves the amendments, the company would like to begin construction this spring on the 142-room facility.
The president of Easton's Group of Hotels says one restaurant will be a Milestone's or an Earl's, while the other eatery is slated to be a Harvey's.
The Thunder Bay Region Protective and Emergency Services Training Corporation will also be on hand Monday night. The group is looking for forgiveness of a more than $570,000 loan it received from the city in 2008.
They will also ask for financial assistance for an indoor shooting range.
F-16 dead stick landing..AMAZING video.!!!
Read first before
Here's the F-16 dead
stick into Elizabeth City, NC: A fairly short RWY for jets, (about 6,000 ft
long), but qualifies for an “Emergency landing field" in the grand scheme of US
You'll probably have
to watch the video several times to appreciate how intense the situation and how
busy the pilot was all the way to stopping on the runway. Very apparently, the
pilot was one-of-four F-16s in a flight returning to their base, (most probably
from the Navy Dare bombing range south of Manteo), and the F-16 in question had
already reported a "Rough-Running Engine" to his flight leader before the start
of the video.
A few comments not
readily apparent are:
- The whole episode,
from start-to-finish only takes about 3 1/2
- The video begins as
the flight is being followed on radar. The flight leader asks for the Elizabeth
City tower UHF freq which is repeated as 355.6 and the entire flight switches to
that freq: Just one-more-task for the pilot to execute in the cockpit as he
reports that his engine has QUIT. He has to activate the Emergency Unit (EPU)
to maintain electric and hydraulic power. This unit is powered by Hydrazine:
(the caustic fuel that Germany created in WW II to power their V-2 Rockets and
their ME-163 rocket fighters among others.) Thus, the last call about requesting
fire support after the jet is safe on deck, and pilot breathing
- Meanwhile, back in
the cockpit, the pilot is busily attempting to "Re-light" his engine:
(Unsuccessfully, of course) while tending to everything
- The video is taken
using the Head-Up-Display (HUD) camera which also has a voice
- The HUD is a very
busy instrument, but among things to notice are the 'circle' in the middle which
represents the nose of the aircraft and where it is 'pointed': "The velocity
- The flight leader
reports they are 7-miles out from the airport and at 9,000 ft altitude. Since
the weather is clear and the airport is in sight, this allows for adequate
"Gliding distance" to reach a runway with the engine OFF. Rest assured, jet
fighters glide sorta like a rock. They don't enjoy the higher lift design of an
airliner like that which allowed Sullenburger to land in the NY
- Coming down 9,000
ft in only 7-miles requires a helluva rate of descent, so the pilot's nose
remains well below the "Horizon" until just prior to touching down on the
runway. The HUD horizon is a solid, lateral bar, and below the horizon, the
horizontal lines appear as dashes. You'll see a "10" on the second dashed line
below the horizon which = 10-degrees nose
- Radio chatter
includes the flight leader calling the tower and the tower stating runway 10
with wind 070@5MPH +
altimeter setting of 30.13: yet another step for the pilot to
- The flight leader
calls for the pilot to jettison his external fuel tanks and asks another pilot
in the flight to "Mark" where they dropped.. The tower later tells the pilot to
land on any rwy he chooses.
- Pilot reports
"Three in the green" indicating all three gear indicate down and locked which
the fligh t leader
- You will hear the
computer voice of "Bitchin'-Betty" calling out "Warnings". More confusing
chatter when none is welcome or even necessary. (That's "Hi-Tech" for
- The pilot has only
ONE CHANCE to get this right and must also slow to an acceptable landing speed
in order to stop on the short runway. You'll see Black rubber on the rwy where
"The rubber meets the road" in the touchdown area. Note that during rollout, he
gets all the way to the far end which you can see by all the black skid marks
where planes have landed heading in the opposite
OK: That's more than
ya probably wanted to know, but you have to appreciate the fine job this guy did
in calmly managing this emergency situation. He is a "USAF Reserve" pilot and
those guys generally have plenty of experience. That really pays
Sunday, 26 February 2012
A Submarine Exercise...WOW.!!!
This will give Iran food for thought if they are thinking of closing the
strait of Hormuz?
This is the Australian Navy doing a live torpedo
practice shot on one of
Their decommissioned ships. They used a Mk 48
torpedo developed in the USA
It is non nuclear and not a contact
It is designed to go off directly underneath the ship at
about 50 feet
Under The keel. The Steam Bubble from the explosion is what
breaks the ship's
Back. The effect is devastating as you can see from the
Homeowners catch thieves in act
By Leith Dunick, tbnewswatch staff
Police located the owners's vehicle nearby and made the arrest after a short foot pursuit.
Charges include possession of stolen property, impaired driving, dangerous driving, fail to stop for police, break and enter and several breaches of his release conditions.
Police say the investigation is continuing and the suspect will be held overnight and appear in court on Sunday.
The suspect cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Follow Leith Dunick on Twitter: @LeithDunick
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Expert criticizes mayor HOBBS 'tough on crime' message.!
Expert criticizes mayor's 'tough on crime' message
CBC News
Posted: Feb 23, 2012 2:35 PM
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2012 2:30 PM ET
Read 4comments
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A political expert says municipal leaders have no power to influence the courts.
Thunder Bay Mayor Keith Hobbsrecently spoke out about his viewson crime and punishment as they relate to Thunder Bay. He said the courts are weak, and pledged to challenge the judiciary to get tough on crime.
Robert MacDermid, an associate professor of political science at York University, said he was surprised to hear that a mayor would be making such comments. A municipal leader has no power to influence how the courts operate, he said, and there's no connection between the municipal act and the judicial system.
“We're deluding ourselves if we take his word at face value, because really he doesn't have any influence over the application of law — nor should he,” MacDermid said.
MacDermid said politicians sometimes express dissatisfaction about how laws are applied in an attempt to create a "tough on crime" image. He said Hobbs can only influence public opinion.
He noted the fact that Hobbs is a former police officer might mean he has some insight into the issue, but said he doesn't think the mayor should mislead people into thinking that he can change anything.
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